BORN Ontario, the creator of the OMama app and eSolutions Group Ltd. (the designer and host), believe in your personal right to privacy, and are respectful of your right to privacy. BORN Ontario is designated as a registry under privacy legislation in Ontario and must follow strict privacy regulations for protecting personal health information.
At no time can BORN Ontario or eSolutions Group Ltd. trace OMama usage to a specific individual or see information entered into the app by the user, including name, profile photos, pregnancy due date, journal entries or tags. Information entered by users is governed by the password protection and security protocols on the user's phone.
OMama will collect analytics vital to the functionality of the mobile application and to allow us to continue improving the program, including Google analytics to track the region of the province where users are, the number of downloads, page visits and favourites and the ways OMama users obtain and share information (such as through Facebook). The OMama app will also collect information on what type of device is being used such as Windows Phone, IOS or Android, etc.
All data noted above is transmitted over the HTTPS secure protocol.
Under no circumstances will BORN Ontario or eSolutions Group Ltd. provide collected information to any third party with the exception of the analytics noted above unless compelled by a court order or applicable law.