Talk to your care provider beforehand about whether you or a special person at your birth wants to cut the umbilical cord. Your baby will not feel any pain when this happens. A stump will be left on your baby where the cord joined his or her belly. This stump will dry up and usually drop off about a week or two after your baby is born, leaving your baby's belly button (also called a navel). During this process, it is important to pay attention to your baby's cord area to make sure it is not overly red, swollen, or oozing discharge, and that it doesn't have an overwhelming odour. Also watch your baby for signs of a fever. These are all signs of infection and you should contact your health care provider if you are concerned.
Generally the baby's cord does not need special care but do keep it clean and dry. Wipe the cord area gently with warm clean water if it is soiled with urine or stool. It is safe to get the stump wet, but do not pull or irritate it. You may need to prevent your baby's diaper from rubbing against the stump by folding it down, or buying newborn diapers that have a space cut out for it.
For tips on how to keep your baby's stump clean and free from infection, when and what you can expect for when it falls off, and signs of an infected cord stump, please visit the links below.