Bringing your new baby home from the hospital is a very exciting albeit anxious time for new parents! There are a few things to prepare to make sure your first trip home is as easy and safe as can be and that you have the support at home you need to rest and recover. Ensure you have an infant car seat, diapers, baby clothes and a crib or cradle in advance.
Make plans before your birth to prepare food for the freezer or have friends or family help you by dropping off meals in the first few days. Remember since you'll be feeding around the clock, it's important to reserve time to nap and catch up on sleep you'll be missing at night. It can be helpful and supportive to have visitors stop by but you may also need support to guide visitors to stay for a short time, or do some dishes, fold a load of laundry or spend time with your older kids.
Plan to have a health care provider check your newborn in the first few days. Preparing siblings and even pets are important steps to ease the transition of having a new baby in the house. See the links below for excellent suggestions and checklists for preparing to take your baby home.